OCSC has registrants from all over the city which allows players to meet new friends and stay in the community which they attend school.
Teams will be formed based on grade when possible. In order to form teams some players may be put on a mixed grade team (no more than one grade - players may not play down). Players are reassigned to the same roster unless we are asked not to do so. However, because a player was on a certain team last year doesn’t guarantee that same placement if the registration is late. New Club members are assigned to teams based on space, the school attended and if possible, teammate requests.
During the registration process we do allow for parents to “request” players or coaches. Parent coaches always have their child on their team. We want to stress that although you may have requested a teammate or coach, we will NOT guarantee to accommodate your request.
Recreation coaches are all volunteers that dedicate significant amounts of time to the team, and we are grateful for all of our coaches. We are happy that each year we welcome many of our coaches back. Our program works because of our volunteers.
After the coaches' meetings, the coach will reach out to parents to provide information for practice date and time. Practices will be held two times per week at this age level. While not required, it is helpful if your player brings their own ball to practice. Ages 8-12 use a size 4 ball; Ages 13+ use a size 5 ball.